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Thursday, November 27, 2008

Christmas Cake Decoration

"I wish we could put up some of the Christmas spirit in jars and open a jar of it every month." - says, Harlan Miller. Perhaps it is the reason why Christmas cakes are prepared in a fine way that each day during the nice eve? The sight of a decorated, yummy cakes, can make any person happy.

All edible cake decorations are traditionally hand crafted and made from marzipan. The word "marzipan" means that they can be eaten as well as used for decorative purposes. The marzipan paste is the chief ingredient of most Christmas cakes. Since, this special cake decoration is individually hand shaped, moulded and sculpted, generally no two cake decorations are ever going to be exactly alike. Evidence suggests that this cake decorations were introduced in Ancient Egypt. In later years, edible cake decorations were designed to enhance cakes in order to impress the participants of any special event. Cake decorations have changed through the ages but their purpose of preparing still remains the same. In fact, it has gained more importance in the recent years owing the economic development and living styles of people across the globe. The design of the nice cake decorations are made according to the age of the children and are also specifically made for typical boys and girls. A bright, beautiful and yummy cake certainly deserves a place in every household during this great season.

Preparing a yummy cake tops every Christian's list of preparations for Christmas celebration. Well, preparing a perfect cake is not an easy task. The most difficult and integral part in preparing a such cake remains to decorate the cake in an impressive manner. So, it is always advisable to give equal importance to this cake decorations while making preparations for a tasty cake. The decorations should be such that they can easily add a touch of elegance and prettiness to the cake. Secondly the cake decorations should be in accordance with the theme of the cake. The importance of the this special cake decorations has increased to such an extent that nowadays many of the Christmas party planners also give a lot of their time on thinking about some different and impressive ways of decorating such cakes. One should try to choose the cake decorations as per the theme of the Christmas cake. This would help one in making plenty and judicious use of one's creative ideas.

There are various kinds of cakes where in beautiful decorations can be done as both adults and children just love to see and eat them. For example, banana cake decorations, orange cake decorations, apple cake decorations, lemon cake decorations, strawberry cake decorations, carrot cake decorations, pumpkin cake decorations, seashell cake decorations, cheese cake decorations, dragon cake decorations, flower cake decorations and many more. Some of them popular Christmas cakes that are decorated include: chocolate Christmas cake, chocolate and almond cake, whipping cream pound cake, mocha pudding cake, chocolate espresso torte, japanese fruit cake and plum cake to name a few. Some more exciting decoration ideas include: reindeer, santas, snowmen, puddings, Christmas trees, marzipan penguins, blue angels, pink angels, marzipan santas hats, holly leaves burgandy, white chocolate, flowers, etc.

By Ilango Chokalingam

Check Out the Related Article : Cake Recipes

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1 Comment:

Anamika:The Sugarcrafter said...

Hi Ilango
Nice cake decoration, you have done !

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